Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Writing Quick Start - Page 339

There are many differences and similarities in the scenes depicted on page 339. For example, it’s no secret that both of the pictures were taken at musical performances. However, that’s pretty much were the similarities end. If someone were to look at these pictures they would notice that, for instance, the clothes worn by the performers in the top picture are representative of a Rock Concert of some kind. In contrast, in the bottom picture, the attire of the performers is much more formal.

To me, as a person who has never seen these pictures before, it looks as if the bottom photograph may have been taken at some sort of auditorium, whereas the  top picture was obviously taken outdoors, probably at some sort of sports stadium. Perhaps the band in the top picture was performing during a half–time show at a football game. The bottom picture looks more finished and decorated than the picture on the top. The picture on the top looks more impromptu, almost as if it were just taken on a whim, and unplanned.

There is no doubt in my mind that the man in the center of the bottom picture is a musical conductor. He has sticks in his hands and it looks as if he is moving them up and down in a wave-like motion. Another interesting fact to note about the bottom picture is that most of the performers are older than both the singer and the fans in the top picture. From this information one can assume that the younger fans in the top picture probably would not like the same type of music that the people in the bottom picture do.

There also appears to be a noticeable difference in the energy level of the people in the two pictures. The people in the top picture look as if they are having a good time and just enjoying themselves. In contrast , the people in the bottom picture look as if they all have stone cold serious looks on their faces. They all look as if they are in deep concentration.

Personally, if I had to choose which performance to attend, I’d choose the top one. It looks to me like that one would be more fun to be at than the bottom one.

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