For this blog post I’m just going to tell you about my day.
This morning I woke up at 9:30 A.M. I am unable to drive myself to school right now because my car needed repairs so, it’s in the shop for the week. Because of this, I was driven to school by my mother. The conversation on the way there was strangely uneventful. My mother and I usually have no problems striking up some sort of conversation but, for some reason, on this particular day, I wasn’t in the mood.
Anyway, once I arrived at school, I proceeded to attend my math class as usual. For some reason math class has proven extremely difficult for me this semester. I’ve always had some monor difficulties with math but never to this extent. Bear in mind, this is my first college level math class though, so it could just be that I’m not used to the pace.
After going to math class my day was over because I don’t have to attend English class this week. My teacher is holding conferences, or as I call them, last minute counseling sessions. ” I’m assuming he is going to calculate his grade book soon; especially since the final exam is just around the corner.
Sorry, got off on a little tangent there.
When I got home from school I took a nap. “But you barley did anything” you say. I tire easily, what can I say. It was a shot nap thiugh, because I had to work today ar 4:30 P.M.
I went to work and the day went pretty smoothe for the most part. Except for this one thing that happened. As soon as I got there, I was tasked with clearning up a spill. For some reason I always seem to be cleaning up spills at that place (I work at Farm Fresh for those who don’t know). Besides that though, the rest of my night went pretty smoothe.
That’s what I got for today. There you go. My entire day can be boiled down to about our paragraphs of text.