Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4q's - Suprising Essay

1.    What one specific aspect of your paper are you proudest of? Why?

a.      I am proudest of the length of my paper. I was surprised that I could take a topic that I knew next to nothing about and still write an excellent essay on it.

2.    What was the most difficult aspect of writing this essay? Why?

a.     In my opinion the most difficult aspect of writing my paper was citing my sources. I had forgotten how to do it.

3.    Imagine that you have a few extra hours to revise this paper. What aspect(s) of the paper would you reword, write, and/or polish? Why?

a.     I probably have a few grammar issues to work out. Improper grammar bothers me a lot

4.    How would you approach such a revision?

a.     I would research how to properly use grammar.

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