Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Post Writing Quick Start Page 409 – 2/10/10

The predominant behavior depicted in the photograph is that of Human Compassion. Human Compassion, in this context, is when someone has sympathy for the circumstances of someone else’s situation. The picture represents the epitome of the above mentioned word. The Salvation Army Workers are passing out much needed food to the inhabitants of whatever area has been victimized by this clearly significant disaster. I am a strong believer that there has to be at least some level of compassion in a person’s heart in order for them to be a part of such an organization; unless I’m mistaken, the workers of the Salvation Army are not paid to do what they do, so something tells me they aren’t doing this job for their own financial gain.
The above mentioned fact leads me to believe that in addition to compassion, which is primarily a sympathetic emotion, the workers are also portraying empathetic behavior toward the victims. After all, if they didn’t care about helping the victims of this disaster, they wouldn’t be there. Now, these people may have different reasons for helping the victims. Some of them may have been in a similar situation themselves; other people may just have big hears. We will never know the source of their motivations however, so obviously it doesn’t do anyone any good to speculate about the subject.

The bottom line is as follows. In my opinion, in order for the workers in the picture to be doing what they are doing, it is essential for them to possess varying levels of the above mentioned feelings toward their fellow human being. I suppose peer pressure could also be a contributing factor to the behavior depicted. If someone’s friends are doing something, that person has a tendency to follow the lead of their friends so to speak.

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